Invited Speaker

Alina Vladescu

Alina Vladescu

Associate Professor, National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics, Romania
Speech Title: Wear and corrosion properties of Ti based carbo-nitrides obtained by cathodic arc evaporation

Abstract: The goal of the paper is to increase service life of cutting tools used in wood industry, which working into severe conditions. For this study, Ti-based carbo-nitrides were prepared by cathodic arc evaporation at different N2 and C2H2 mass flow rates: series-1 (20 sccm N2, 110 sccm C2H2), series-2 (40 sccm N2, 90 sccm C2H2), series-3 (80 sccm N2, 50 sccm C2H2), and series-4 (110 sccm N2, 20 sccm C2H2).
Surface morphology, elemental/phase composition and roughness were examined before and after wear and corrosion tests in corrosive solution (water+sand). The results showed that all the coatings enhanced the wear and corrosion resistance of the uncoated steel. By increasing of the nitrogen flow rate during the deposition process, both wear and corrosion resistances are increased. Moreover, all the coatings exhibited a 111 orientation and the hardness was more than 30GPa.

Keywords: cathodic arc, wear and corrosion resistance, carbonitride coatings

Acknowledgements: This research was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, project number COFUND-M-ERANET-3-HardCoat-1 (no.311/2022), within PNCDI III, and to Romanian Core Program project no. PN-01/2023.

Biography: Dr.Eng. Alina Vladescu, has a B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University Politehnica of Bucharest (2002) and an MS in Biomaterials from the Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, University Politehnica of Bucharest (2004). Her PhD however is in Materials Science from University Politehnica of Bucharest (2011). She works at National Institute of RD for Optoelectronics INOE2000, Department for Advanced Surface Processing and Analysis by Vacuum Technologies (since 2002). She is also associate professor in Surface Engineering at University Politehnica of Bucharest. She is also affiliated as research scientist at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Expertise: • Functional coatings (metals, nitrides, carbides, oxides and oxynitrides) deposited by magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc techniques), especially for optics, optoelectronics, mechanical and tribological applications, but also with special properties, such as corrosion resistant and biomaterials. • Oxide thin films by electron gun evaporation technique, especially for optoelectronics applications and (again) for biomaterials. • Analysis and characterization of thin films using various spectroscopies (UV-Vis-NIR, EDS), X-ray diffraction, morphological, mechanical, anticorrosion and tribological characterization.
Reviewer for ISI journals: •Surface and Coating Technology; •Thin Solid Films; •RSC Advances; •Applied Surface Science; •Vacuum; Materials Science and Engineering B.
Guest Editor: Frontiers in Materials (2016-2017), Composite Interfaces (2016), Coatings (2019-present).
Consequently, she has over 122 ISI papers, and over 250 presentations, 17 patents, 7 books, 11 awards at Invention Exhibitions. Hirsh score is 25 (according to Web of Science); no. of citations is 1650.